I'VE BEEN TAGGED (and I'm a little slow :)-but dependable)

Ten years ago I was: 25 years old and married for 3 years. I had graduated from BYU two years prior and was working as a Registered Dietititan. I think it was around the time Cary and I bought our first house (we've bought 5 houses total). We lived in an apartment on the second floor and the people underneath our apartment would smoke a lot!! We decided to buy a teeny tiny house just up the street to get out of the smoke. I learned after that experience that I can't live in old houses--they are just gross.

Things on my to-do list today: Last minute practice for the Messiah performance tonight. It should be a lot of fun. There is a fun group of friends from our ward that are singing together. Read to Chaz. Help Ali with homework, math drills and piano right after school. 2 loads of laundry. Some sort of exercise.

Three bad habits: 1.) I worry too much!!! (am I reading enough with our kids, our house payment is too big, I need to get my exercise in--yikes--sometimes I just want to not think about anything) 2.)I spend a lot more money when shopping on-line than in the store. I guess it is easier to click-click!! 3.)I'm not a meal planner. I've realized this more with a family and do try do plan out meals better.

Six things most people don't know about me:

1.) When I was in second grade, I entered a coloring contest. I took the picture home and had my sister who was three years older than me color it and then I brought it back to school for the contest. Somehow I won the contest and the big coloring book prize. I know I can't be so proud of this --but I'm sure most of you didn't know this about me :)
2.) I grew up on a dairy farm in Montana and milked cows for money in highschool. I must say I'm not much of a farm girl--always afraid of the animals and not liking the smell and all. But, milking cows was very good money and I was motivated by money.
3.) While still in college, I won the "Dietitian of the year award." Pretty amazing and very surprising for me.
4.) In college, my roommates and I figured out how to get candy out of the coin-op candy machines without a coin. I still know how to do this but I don't do it and I'm not planning on teaching it to my kids.
5.)I've never wore braces and I have very straight teeth. In fact, I've had a dentist ask me if I wore braces before.
6.) I'm a middle child in a family of eight children (I think that is where I get my craftiness).

I'm going to tag anyone who hasn't already done this!!!


Jen said...

You are very dependable...I love that about you! It is fun to learn a bit more about you. Never would have guessed that you cheated in a coloring contest, and stole candy in college. Seriously funny!

Alicia said...

Haha! That was funny! Thanks for doing it! It was fun to learn more about you! I am curious about the candy machine thing... :)

Harper Family said...

Alicia --I will share my secrets with you.

diane said...

Will you share your candy with me?!

Harper Family said...

Diane--I will share my candy with you anytime.

Sunshine said...

Let's all run over to...well, wherever they have candy machines and have a lesson and demonstration. I've always wondered the secret. I'm so impressed you know.