Updates on ME

I've been very busy lately. Of course my favorite type of busy is being a mom to two kids who are both in several activites. Also, I am taking a swim class at the college, a music class and piano lessons. I just love learning--I always need a challenge. Next, I've been HEAVILY involved the past week in "YES on PROP 8" matters. Finally, I'm looking around at picking up consulting work as a Dietitian. I should know in a week or so if I've secured a job as an enteral dietitian--working with tubefed patients.

It is hard to see, but the tubefed patient is asking "What is for dessert?"


diane said...

I've missed you. Thanks for the update. How cool that you are taking all those classes.

Heather said...

You're such a busy lady! I totally mis-read too, and thought you were looking for work as an eternal dietitian. :)

Denise said...

I love the name of your blog. Very clever!! I want to hear more about your music class and piano lessons too. You are such an interesting and fun person to get to know!!

Kathy said...

Hi! Where are you taking piano lessons? I've always wanted to learn to play the piano, are you taking through a school?

3WimmerBoys said...

You are doing an awesome job on the Prop 8 stuff. Brett enjoys it so much he went tonight too, even though you don't have him signed up. Go figure! I don't envy you for being put in charge of this, but you are the right woman for the job. Only five more days to go!

HalnJess said...

I think we're going to have nightmares of Prop 8, too!! You are SO awesome - I hope it's going well down there! We have all been out on the street corners every night for 2 weeks holding signs during rush hour and it's been so fun! Okay, we have had a lot of yelling and cussing, some rocks thrown, some ice once, but I will be so glad when it's done!!
Today I spent another hour passing out flyers in the rain.