Updates on Ali and Chaz

Ali's class toured the U.S.S. Midway. I try to go on every field trip with her and I thought it was an amazing field trip to see a city on water. Something only possible to do here in San Diego.

Chaz is really into building. He sneaks out in the garage and gets screws, bolts, tools and anything that looks like it could be used to build. Chaz kept trying to build a robot and I wanted to help him but I felt like it would be more in Cary's arena to help him with that. So, they built a robot and Chaz even wanted to sleep with it. So cute!!


diane said...

That is so cute. Chaz is clever. When my boys were little I would get old appliances at the thrift store for them to take apart.

emwhitte said...

What a fun father-son activity :)