I love my 3G iPhone

Cary waited in line for three hours last Friday at the Fashion Valley mall (I decided to shop) so we could get the new iPhone and I am in love with it. I'm not a big techno-geek girl but it is awesome, especially for moms. It has every feature I could imagine and it doesn't come with directions because it is so easy to use. Also, now you can actually call me on my cell phone. I got rid of that other piece-of-junk phone that never worked.


diane said...

Cool! I can't figure out my Barbie Dream phone. That's what my Sis calls it.

Erin said...

nice. maybe i'll let joseph break mine and have to get a new one.

Jen said...

Gotta love new technology. Well, I guess I do since it pays my bills. I like your new background and Cyndi Lauper song.

Anonymous said...

Cool Tammy! David and I are trying to decide to get them in a few months when our Verizon contract is up. We're leaning towards YES..

lisa said...

sounds cool. and were your mom and sis in rio when they were mugged? it's notorious for that.