My Fluoride Pet Peeve

Why do people not give their kids fluoride? It is proven effective and supported by the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, the American Dietetic Association and etc... I'm a firm supporter. How about you?


diane said...

My kids all took floride tablets. Why is it not in our water? I don't get it!

HalnJess said...

Great question!! My sister-in-law about cuts our heads off if we ever talk about giving our kids fouride. We just moved - how do I know if it IS or ISN'T in the water?

She also thinks Reagan was the Devil so that may put her judgment in perspective! hah! jk

Again - props on the exercising post. It definitely got my groove going more...

Jen said...

OK...I know I am not going to hear the end of this, but my kids do not take fluoride. I feel they swallow enough while brushing and rinsing their teeth. I don't want to risk the chance of overdose. Also, I grew up here in San Diego without taking it and I feel my teeth are just fine.

Christin said...

I thought they just added fluoride to our water? We grew up in Georgia with fluoridated water and no additional fluoride and we all have great teeth. If fluoride is such a good idea why do you need a prescription? Is it really that dangerous?