Clinton for President

My daughter wants Hilary Clinton to win the presidential race because she is female and would be the first female president. We're voting for Romney (yes he had an ad in the Superbowl$$), but I understand her point on finally having a female president. What do you think?


diane said...

I love that she has her own opinions. My children have been indoctrinated as staunch republicans. They can have their own opinions as long as they don't stray too far from mine! :)

Harper Family said...

This might seem like a shallow comment for me to throw out there, but I don't think most people know the issues. They vote based on some other agenda-female, black, mormon etc.. Just something to think about.

Christin said...

I'm all for a female president, but not Hillary. She tries too hard to be like a man and I don't like her politics. Maybe someday we'll have a worthy female candidate. There is a quote I heard once that I don't remember exactly to the effect that those who are qualified don't usually want the power and those who want the power aren't usually qualified.

Alicia said...

I'm totally with Christin. I think it would be great to have a female for president but I wouldn't want it to go down in history that the first woman president drove our country into the ground by loosing sight of what our country stands for: independance and freedom. Boo Hillary! :) We need a woman who will represent the fairer sex better than her. :)

lisa said...

did you hear that romney used $35million of his own money on his campaign? doesn't the president only get paid about $150K per year?

Sunshine said...

Yes, Lisa, and that is why all the presidents have had to make their millions BEFORE running for office. I'm all for a woman president, just NOT the she-devil...I mean Hillary!