I purchased all the kid's school supplies for this next year and Chaz found the bag and took the crayons out and did a little art work on the house.


Jen said...

Hi Tammy...I like the new additions to your blog. It looks great!! Chaz seems very proud of his art work. Thank goodness for washable crayons and or magic eraser sponges.

Sunshine said...

I'm so glad you are back from vacay! I love this pix of the kids...it's one of those moments were you either freak out or grab the camera. Glad you grabbed the camera! So glad you started a blog, but not so sure about posting a pix with me in a swimming suit!

lisa said...

peter jon did that once with permanent marker. so special. did you take the pic before or after the time out? :)

Jen said...

Okay Tammy....I know you are busy with the house and all, but please keep blogging? I just love the insight into your daily life. No pressure from me, but it is September now!